Email Template to Attend a Developer Conference

Below is an email template to help convince your boss that sending you or your team to a developer conference is well worth the investment.

I am a big fan of developer conferences and have attended several over the years. They are a great way for you to stay up to date and passionate about building software.

Most organisations require justification for the ticket purchase and time off to attend. I am hoping the email below might help save you some time and build a compelling case for your attendance.

Email Template

Dear {Boss},

I would like to attend conference {conference name} on {insert date} and was hoping you would support this request by approving the funding of the ticket and time off to attend.

Developer conferences are incredibly good value in terms of training effectiveness. At these conferences you get a rare opportunity to network and meet contacts in the industry, including people from further afield who are attending or speaking, potential clients and future colleagues.

You get up to speed on the latest trends, toolsets and emerging technologies. This helps to refresh your development skills and re-invigorate your passion.

The learning attained by going to a conference will be used help deliver future projects. Meeting industry peers and thought leaders gives you a new perspective and ultimately results in attendees becoming rounded and more experienced developers. There can also be a chance to find solutions to present challenges or get new ideas on an upcoming work assignments.

I look forward to hearing back from you regarding this personal development and training request.

Many thanks

YowWest specific details

YowWest is a local conference, the only one if its kind in Perth. This means it is very costs effective as there are no travel or accommodation costs. For $395 I can the opportunity to attend this great conference.