Yo Yo!

This is my first post on my new blog.

I intend to use this blog to post random articles, musings, code snippets or whatever takes my fancy.

It has taken me a long while to set up a personal blog. The reason I put off starting a blog was the commitment. I did not want to start a blog then feel obliged to update it, become obsessed with at the cost of my family and personal relationships or guilty because of lack or quality / content.

After reading about famous IT bloggers regretting obsessing over their blogs and speaking to friends it all made sense. Your blog will be what you make it. It can be fun, you do not have to update it religiously but it is a very powerful medium. It gives you a voice in the community, a chance to be recognised, take part in the wider debate and a vehicle to help others. For these reasons I decided it was about time to get my first IT related blog online.

Plus I found out about Jekyll and have been using it for a while and love it!